CSS presentation mode allows a different set of rules to apply when projecting on a screen.
@media projection { ... }
Alas, CSS presentation mode is now effectively dead.
This has caused the emergence of dozens of Javascript packages to do the same job, such as reveal, remark, webslides, deck, shwr, ...
Very easy: it is a surprisingly small amount of markup;
Allows the continued use and repurposing of existing content without change;
Continues to give the power of XHTML+CSS for styling.
Get the slides from some source, and create a bind that identifies what a slide is:
<instance id="slides" src="http://www.cwi.nl/~steven/Talks/2018/prague/"/> <bind id="slide" ref="h:body/h:div[position()=instance('i')/index]"/>
Using an admin instance:
<instance id="i"> <admin xmlns=""> <index>1</index> </admin> </instance>
Display one slide:
<group bind="slide"> ... </group>
Slide clicker remotes act like keyboards, and send the characters Page
and Page Down
<action ev:event="keydown" ev:defaultAction="cancel"> <setvalue ref="instance('i')/index" if="event('key')='PageUp' or event('key')='ArrowLeft'" value=". - 1"/> <setvalue ref="instance('i')/index" if="event('key')='PageDown' or event('key')='ArrowRight'" value=". + 1"/> </action>
<group bind="slide"> <repeat ref="*"> <output class="h1" ref=".[name(.)='h1']"/> <output class="h2" ref=".[name(.)='h2']"/> <output class="pre" ref=".[name(.)='pre']"/> <group class="p" ref=".[name(.)='p'">... ... </repeat> </group>
Only one is matched, so only one is displayed.
<group bind="slide"> <repeat ref="*"> <output class="{name(.)}" ref=".[name(.)='h1' or name(.)='h2' or name(.)='pre']"/> <group class="p" ref=".[name(.)='p'">... ... </repeat> </group>
<group class="p" ref=".[name(.)='p']"> <repeat ref="node()"> <output class="text" ref=".[name(.)='#text']"/> <output class="{name(.)}" ref=".[name(.)='em' or name(.)='strong' or name(.)='code' or name(.)='a']"/> <output class="img" ref=".[name(.)='img']" value="concat(instance('i')/base,@src)" mediatype="image/*"/> </repeat> </group>
Such an approach is not a perfect replacement for CSS presentation mode, BUT