Steven Pemberton, CWI, Amsterdam and W3C
Chair, W3C HTML and Forms Working Groups
XForms 1.0 was released October 2003. On the day of release there were more implementations than any other W3C specification on the day of release, ever.
Around 30 implementations announced so far, including plugins, native implementations, proxies, 'zero install' implementations, a voice-browser, an editor, a validator...
From companies such as: IBM, Novell, Oracle, Sun,, ...
Major companies and industries are already using XForms (e.g. US Navy, Bristol-Myers-Squibb, Frauenhofer, Daiwa - a Japanese Bank, the British Life Insurance industry, German shipbuilders ... and more I can't tell you about yet: watch this space!)
The central ideas of XForms are that:
Although XForms comes from an analysis of, and as a replacement for, HTML Forms, it is more, and can be, and is, used for applications as well.
It has:
The data is one or more XML documents, internal or external.
Input, output, data properties, calculations 'bind' to elements and attributes in the data
Memory can be initialised inline, from a file, a URL, a query, SOAP, etc, etc.
Controls are deliberately abstract, only expressing intent (such as select one from a set). Presentation is up to the implementation, stylesheets, binding to SVG etc.
Abstract level ensures device independence and accessibility
Fallback ensures applicability over a wide range of device types.
There have already been demonstrations of the same XForms being served to a PC, a PDA, a cell phone, a voice browser and even an instant messenger, without change.
XForms has an extensible, declarative calculation model, like spreadsheets
Uses XML Events, with primitives that mean scripting is often not necessary
Scripting still an option
In the 80's I built a completely declarative system.
It ran on an Atari ST amongst others.
Here is a screen shot (on Unix) of several clocks in that system.
They are all ticking every second.
To write an analogue clock takes a lot of code. Here is the shortest I could find: more than 1000 lines.
clock = (h, m, s) s = system:seconds mod 60 m = (system:seconds div 60) mod 60 h = (system:second div 3600) mod 24 aclock = circle(combine{hhand, mhand, shand, decoration}) shand = line(slength) rotated (s*6) mhand = line(mlength) rotated (m*6) hhand = line(hlength) rotated ((h mod 12)*30 + m div 2) hlength = ... mlength = ... slength = ... decoration = ...
XForms can be hosted in different languages
Use CSS for presentation
Or binding to SVG